The investigation nowadays is part important in all areas of the basics sciences for the development or improvement of new products or services. Is for this reason, that this blog had be create for show to the people interested in a great basic science as the BIOLOGY and in a topic that is of globally significant as is “the new food”, where involved a lot of aspect as microorganism, genetic manipulation of food, etc.
In the other hand, the blog is important, already that the student in level six of English can to have a tool in that he can to put all information that he has learned during semester of study. Besides a site web where he can to show his works extra class, investigations, essays and his profile. On the other hand this site is also important for the university and teacher of matter, because for through this, they can to know which the state of student and they can to help in the difficulties that present the student.
Finally the great objective that the blog have to be a tool for the student and that he also can to have a feedback of his teacher.


*That the student can to show information, investigation, interested dates, about of a topic that to him likes and passionate with respect to a basic science.
*Have a tool (site web), where the student can to put his work extra class in, his investigations and other activities etc.
*That student can to receive a feedback of his teachers for that he can to improve his English level.
*Have a tool (site web), where the student can to receive comments of his friend of class about of his works.

viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2008


Smoking in public places is good?

Nowadays the issue about of the banned smoking in public place has generated a great dispute between the persons that are in agree and the persons that are in disagree with this. Place as restaurant, cafes, and parks, these are place where the persons need to be without influence of smokers. Some people agree strongly with banned of smoking in public place, they argue that this protects the society. Other disagrees, believing that the people are free to decide where smoking. This essay will examine the arguments for and against off that the government banning smoking in publics place.
Firstly, people argue that they should to be free for that they can to choose the place where smoking, because they believe that they are mature enough for can to know that’s things are bad and good. One of the biggest objections the government is that in Colombia exist a lot of place where in these cannot smoking for no apparent reason, because frequently in place as theaters, soccer stadium and shopping center the person cannot smoking. Opponents of the idea of banned smoking in public place feel that smoking don’t generate environment contamination, because studies has demonstrated that the cars generated more contamination that when a person’s smoking.
On the other hand, one good reason for banned smoking in public place is that children and young people don’t should to learn to smoking, yet that this habit is very danger for human healthy. Besides studies and Scientifics has demonstrated that smoking in public place affect all people that are around and this have consequences and damage serious in the society. Another point is that the government that is acting in defense of the public health of the people, because they are very worried for the last statistics where it show a high index killed by cigarette.
In conclusion, people are very strongly divided on the issue of banned smoking in public place. While some people have very valid reasons for objecting to banned smoking in public place , other believe firmly that the government should take care the human health banned smoking in public place. Personally, I feel that the banned smoking in public place is necessary because the government must look after the health of all.

lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2008

Argumentative Essay


There has always been a large controversy over the effects that to have the inventions in the humanity, whether these inventions have any influences and effects on our personality, this controversy is most often recognized as the effects negatives verses effects positives. Some people believe that while technology has had negative affects on the general public, it has also had many positive affects on society. Technology now provides advanced warnings about earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornados, hurricanes, flooding, and even knowledge of impending severe thunderstorms. However the technology has affected the way individuals communicate, learn, and think, because it helps define society and determines how one interacts with others on a daily basis. Based on the foregoing, it is the question that if the technology is for the Hunan be a help or a threat to life.

Although many inventions have helped us and made our lives easier they have also caused some problems. For example, with the invention of the car came problems such as air pollution. Besides the cities are becoming more and more congested with people using their cars even for short distances, is for this reason that the government is trying to make this better by making cars pass an emission control test. Another problem with cars is that hundreds of people die or get seriously injured each year. Other inventions that had effects negatives are disposable items have caused a big garbage problem. We use everything from disposable pens to disposable diapers. We can stop some of the garbage problem by recycling. Furthermore Air conditioners are using up allot of our electricity. There are times in the summer when brown outs happen because if our excessive use of the air conditioners. Freon gets released into our environment.

On the other hand, technology has automated many of the critical processes in the industry as well the household. The electronic gadgets that have entered the homes of the common man have saved him from the daily household work. The Internet has brought an important positive change to the entertainment and advertising industry. Advertisements can reach the masses within seconds over the Internet. The entertainment media has progressed only because of the advancements in technology. Satellite communication is another important dimension of technology. Satellite TVs and satellite radios have eased the broadcasting of events across the globe. Besides, machines have automated many of the crucial industrial processes. Machines are now taking up many of the mundane jobs that were once executed by human workers. Technology has evolved to an extent where machines can perform tasks that are physically inaccessible to man. The use of advanced technologies like robotics and artificial intelligence has proved helpful in life-risking tasks like mining and space exploration.

In conclusion, it is not technology that has a negative affect on society, but rather the way that it is used that has the negative affected in society. These advancements can be wonderful if they are used for the purposes of scientific developments in areas such as health, industry, food, etc.

jueves, 9 de octubre de 2008



Nowadays the Avian Influenza (H5N1) is a virus that worries to the world. The Avian Influenza and their serious repercussions, as the occurrence of human influenza A (H5N1) in Southeast Asia has paralleled large outbreaks of avian influenza A (H5N1), although the avian epidemics in 2004 and 2005 have only rarely led to disease in humans. It is for the above-mentioned that scientific international community to study it and to control it, because, they affirm, it puts in risk the humanity’s future. Although International Organisms in all the countries are you trying of prevent and to eliminate the possible infection focuses.

One of the effects of Avian Influenza (H5N1) that causes greatest concern on a global is the the easy propagation the virus, because it circulate from all over the world among the birds, It is very contagious among the birds and it can be mortal for them, especially for domesticated birds as the chickens. Besides the infected birds loose the virus in the saliva, the nasal secretions and the excrements, it for this reason that the scientific believed that most of the cases of infection of the H5N1 in humans have been caused by the contact with infected corral birds or with polluted surfaces. The second effect is the economic consequences that can be especially serious in countries in development where the increase of the corral birds supposes an important source of revenues and of foods for the impoverished rural farmers and their families.

On the other hand, the AVIAN INFLUEZA (H5N1) is having a significant effect on the situation faced by individual countries which is characterized by both urgency and uncertainty. Warnings that a pandemic may occur have come from both changes in the epidemiology of the disease in human and animal populations and the expanding geographical spread of the virus that creates ever-widening opportunities for human exposure. Neither the timing nor the severity of the next pandemic can be predicted but with the virus now endemic in bird populations the risk will not be easily diminished.

All in all, even though the problem of Avian Influeza (H5N1) may seem impossible to eliminate, but if the world maintains their project of create a vaccine, this will reduce the great number of deaths in the world and contributing this way to the salvation of the planet, avoiding a pandemic and eliminate its lethal effects


The Global Warming, “the problem of the future”

Nowadays the global warming is a phenomenon worries to the world. The global warming and their direct effect, the climatic change is a topic that occupies good part of the efforts of the scientific international community to study it and to control it, because, they affirm, it puts in risk the humanity's future. Although International Organisms in all the countries are trying of minimizing the effects of the global warming by means of laws and incentives for the industries.
One of the effects of global warming that causes greatest concern on a global is the change climatic, that in the last years it has been evident. The increase of the temperature of the Earth is due to the use of fossil fuels and to other industrial processes that take to an accumulation of gases hothouse (dioxide of carbon, methane, nitrous oxide and chlorfluorocarbons) in the atmosphere. Also, this increment in the levels of dioxide of carbon at the moment this provoking the increase of the global temperature, what originates climatic important changes with serious implications for the agricultural productivity. The second effect is on the changes in the planet as changes in the sea level, decrease of the covered with ice and snow and increase of the half temperature of the oceans, which produce floods, forest fires, other disasters.
On the other hand, the Global warming is having a significant effect on hundreds of plant and animal species around the world, although the most dramatic effects may not be felt for decades, according to a new study in the journal Nature. For example the birds are laying eggs earlier than usual, plants are flowering earlier and mammals are breaking hibernation sooner. Clearly, if such ecological changes are now being detected when the globe has warmed by an estimated average of only 1 degree F (0.6 C) over the past 100 years, then many more far-reaching effects on species and ecosystems will probably occur by 2100, when temperatures could increase as much as 11 F (6 ºC).
All in All, even though the problem of global warming may seem impossible to eliminate, but If the industrialized nations maintain their project of prohibiting the use of all the CFCs, it is expected that the atmospheric levels arrive to their maximum point around century end and disappear completely in eighty years, contributing this way to the salvation of the planet. and the effect of reducing its effects



Discoveries and invention of devices are always welcome till we, humans, find a way to abuse its benefits and be adversely affected by it. This was the case when Wilhelm Roentgen discovered x-ray and within five years, the British Army was using a mobile x-ray unit to locate bullets and shrapnel in wounded soldiers in the Sudan. TV was also invented with positive thoughts in mind – there would be no national borders, education and communication would be worldwide, etc. However, we are now trying to overcome its physiological and psychological adverse effects on human beings.

One of the physiological effects of watching TV in excessive amounts is eye-strain. It is true that there are specifications for watching TV; TV should be 5 m. away from the eye, the room should be adequately lit, TV should be placed at the same height with our eyes, etc. However, these do not prevent our eyes from getting tired if we keep watching TV for a long time. Another effect is obesity, which is widely observed in people who like watching TV and eating snacks everyday (there is even a term “TV snacks” to refer to fast food that is suitable for eating in front of the TV). TV is such a powerful machine that people cannot get away from it – it is addictive.

Apart from the physiological effects, TV also causes psychological effects. One is a result of being exposed to violence. After seeing so many violent scenes on TV, people start considering violent actions normal and they lose their sensitivity to their environment. Partly connected to this effect, the interpersonal communication among people decreases. Being insensitive to the suffering of other people causes people to become alienated. Also, after coming home from work people seek to relax in front of the TV, and generally people prefer watching TV to talking to each other. This issue is very important since lack of interpersonal relationships mostly end with divorces.

Shortly, inventions are meant to be beneficial for human beings, if we know how to benefit from them. TV is one of such inventions that need to be used for the right purpose only – being educated and entertained for a reasonable (according to age) period of time. We may, then, be safe from or at least reduce the adverse physiological and psychological effects of watching too much TV.

martes, 16 de septiembre de 2008

Compare and Contrast Essay


The majority people in the word aren’t inventors, for that a person has been inventor , this need to be creative and have knowledge for that this can to creates or conceives something that did not exist . I think that the two better exponents of this concept are LUIS PASTEUR and ANTONI VAN LEEUWENHOEK, the first discovered and I improve the fermentation process, besides created vaccines contra the antrax, colera and the rabia. The second invented the microscopy; this it has been an invention that I revolutionize the topic of the micro organism. Although these inventors have some similarities how differences for example both had different life style, besides they lived in different time its inhabitants. Nowadays the people believe that ANTONI VAN LEEUWENHOEK was the best inventor of all, because the microscopy had been a tool very important for the science, but really this argument make that the ANTONI VAN LEEUWENHOEK be better inventor that LUIS PASTEUR.

There are some similarities between ANTONI VAN LEEUWENHOEK and LUIS PASTEUR. One of the most obvious similarities is that both inventors contributed to great development to the biology and the world. To personality level, they also had a lot of similarities as that they were always investigated constant, in their time they didn’t have sophistic tool for they developed their inventions. ANTONI VAN LEEUWENHOEK like LUIS PASTEUR, were persons very intelligent, individualistic and very responsible.

There are also many differences between ANTONI VAN LEEUWENHOEK and LUIS PASTEUR. Both inventors lived in different time, were they have different knowledge, tools and each society had different necessities. Furthermore a great difference between these two personalities is that ANTONI VAN LEEUWENHOEK is a true one inventor, because he was a person that had a idea and he created or conceived something that did not exist, this was the microscopy. Meanwhile that LUIS PASTEUR was discovered the fermentation process for mean of the microscopy, moreover he discovered the vaccines that which are discovery and I don't invent.
In conclusion, it matter what inventor that people decides to choose, they should to know the characteristic of each one and all they contribute that they make to the science. However the thing more important that the people should to know is that they as inventors were very different but their personalities were similar.

miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2008


The women are better driver that the men.

Nowadays the efforts of the secretary of transportation in Colombia are focus to reduce the accident of transit and ensure road safety. There transit organizations have to find with statistics and studies made by them, that the women in general cause less accidents that the men, besides that the women have better attitudes that the men, how that they are more careful when driving, but really this argument make that the women are better drivers that the men?

Firstly, the secretary of transport in Colombia, takes two days by years does a women night, so those Fridays nights men cannot go out. Those days the accidentally rate is decrease 77%. The women are more carefully than men when some else get close on a traffic jam. Men normally are less aware with bus drivers than women during a traffic jam. The first secretary of transport says based on computers data room info that men have more traffic fines during the year.

On the other hand, other studies make by the secretary of transportation in Colombian had demonstrated that the women have better attitudes and habits when they driving, for example the men have a bad habit while they driving, this habits is that when they are driving to they like to smoking and this make that in occasions they cause accidents. In contrast, the women are very careful when they are driving, for example they respect the semaphore and the transit signals, besides they always uses the safety belt and they abide the rules of transit.

In conclusion, regardless of prejudice that the people have when they see a woman driving, we think that the women have a lot of things that teach to the men with respect to the responsibility when driving. Besides the women are example for a lot of men who mix the car with liquor or in many cases with drugs. Is for this reason that the expression “woman at the wheel, imminent danger”, resulting frequently false.

Thesis Statement and compare and contrast essay

Town and city, are different places?

The majority people in your life have always two options for live the town or the city. I think that these two different options have a great influence on the life of the people that live in these. Both places offer different life style, besides the city offer activities that the town cannot offer and vice versa. However these places have some advantage how disadvantage for its inhabitants. That nowadays the people prefer live in the city, because they say that in the city the development is greater, but really this argument make that the life in the city be more different than in the town?

There are some similarities between living in a small town and living in a large city. One of the most obvious similarities is that in both places, you live in a home and travel on roads. City life, like small town life, requires you to work in order to succeed. In addition, both large cities and small towns have stores where items can be purchased.
There are also many differences between small town life and city life. In the city, there are many more people than there are in a small town. Much of the time, people in cities have a very individualistic attitude, whereas people in small towns tend to be much friendlier. Furthermore, cities are usually much noisier than small towns, which are normally peaceful and quiet. People living in large cities must also deal with many more crimes than do people living in small towns. Thus, rural life and urban life are similar in some ways, but very different in others.

In conclusion, it matter what place that people decides to choose, they should to know the characteristic of the place where they want to live. People have to choose one of these two options for live, but the other option you can go of vacation. Depending on style of life what person likes is that they will choose.

miércoles, 6 de agosto de 2008

Thesis Statement

The following are 2 links which aim to explain about the thesis of an essay, concept, importance and how to make one. The first link is based on a series of questions to make the thesis. The second link handles the same techniques questions but this link explains the different cases in order to make a thesis.

lunes, 4 de agosto de 2008


Invento or invention: is an object, technique or process which has novel features. It can be based on any idea, collaboration or prior innovation and the same process requires at least knowledge of a concept or method existing agreement may be amended or transformed into a new invention.
Inventor: is the person that idea, creates or conceives something that did not exist .La word "invent" comes from the Latin verb invenire, invent-Finding.
Science: It is the body of knowledge that could be tested, systematic, feasible and targeting objects of a similar nature. This series of knowledge can be certain or probable, rational, systematic and verifiable, led to similar objects. In other words the sole purpose of science is to understand the world in which man lives.