The Global Warming, “the problem of the future”
Nowadays the global warming is a phenomenon worries to the world. The global warming and their direct effect, the climatic change is a topic that occupies good part of the efforts of the scientific international community to study it and to control it, because, they affirm, it puts in risk the humanity's future. Although International Organisms in all the countries are trying of minimizing the effects of the global warming by means of laws and incentives for the industries.
One of the effects of global warming that causes greatest concern on a global is the change climatic, that in the last years it has been evident. The increase of the temperature of the Earth is due to the use of fossil fuels and to other industrial processes that take to an accumulation of gases hothouse (dioxide of carbon, methane, nitrous oxide and chlorfluorocarbons) in the atmosphere. Also, this increment in the levels of dioxide of carbon at the moment this provoking the increase of the global temperature, what originates climatic important changes with serious implications for the agricultural productivity. The second effect is on the changes in the planet as changes in the sea level, decrease of the covered with ice and snow and increase of the half temperature of the oceans, which produce floods, forest fires, other disasters.
On the other hand, the Global warming is having a significant effect on hundreds of plant and animal species around the world, although the most dramatic effects may not be felt for decades, according to a new study in the journal Nature. For example the birds are laying eggs earlier than usual, plants are flowering earlier and mammals are breaking hibernation sooner. Clearly, if such ecological changes are now being detected when the globe has warmed by an estimated average of only 1 degree F (0.6 C) over the past 100 years, then many more far-reaching effects on species and ecosystems will probably occur by 2100, when temperatures could increase as much as 11 F (6 ºC).
All in All, even though the problem of global warming may seem impossible to eliminate, but If the industrialized nations maintain their project of prohibiting the use of all the CFCs, it is expected that the atmospheric levels arrive to their maximum point around century end and disappear completely in eighty years, contributing this way to the salvation of the planet. and the effect of reducing its effects
Nowadays the global warming is a phenomenon worries to the world. The global warming and their direct effect, the climatic change is a topic that occupies good part of the efforts of the scientific international community to study it and to control it, because, they affirm, it puts in risk the humanity's future. Although International Organisms in all the countries are trying of minimizing the effects of the global warming by means of laws and incentives for the industries.
One of the effects of global warming that causes greatest concern on a global is the change climatic, that in the last years it has been evident. The increase of the temperature of the Earth is due to the use of fossil fuels and to other industrial processes that take to an accumulation of gases hothouse (dioxide of carbon, methane, nitrous oxide and chlorfluorocarbons) in the atmosphere. Also, this increment in the levels of dioxide of carbon at the moment this provoking the increase of the global temperature, what originates climatic important changes with serious implications for the agricultural productivity. The second effect is on the changes in the planet as changes in the sea level, decrease of the covered with ice and snow and increase of the half temperature of the oceans, which produce floods, forest fires, other disasters.
On the other hand, the Global warming is having a significant effect on hundreds of plant and animal species around the world, although the most dramatic effects may not be felt for decades, according to a new study in the journal Nature. For example the birds are laying eggs earlier than usual, plants are flowering earlier and mammals are breaking hibernation sooner. Clearly, if such ecological changes are now being detected when the globe has warmed by an estimated average of only 1 degree F (0.6 C) over the past 100 years, then many more far-reaching effects on species and ecosystems will probably occur by 2100, when temperatures could increase as much as 11 F (6 ºC).
All in All, even though the problem of global warming may seem impossible to eliminate, but If the industrialized nations maintain their project of prohibiting the use of all the CFCs, it is expected that the atmospheric levels arrive to their maximum point around century end and disappear completely in eighty years, contributing this way to the salvation of the planet. and the effect of reducing its effects
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