The investigation nowadays is part important in all areas of the basics sciences for the development or improvement of new products or services. Is for this reason, that this blog had be create for show to the people interested in a great basic science as the BIOLOGY and in a topic that is of globally significant as is “the new food”, where involved a lot of aspect as microorganism, genetic manipulation of food, etc.
In the other hand, the blog is important, already that the student in level six of English can to have a tool in that he can to put all information that he has learned during semester of study. Besides a site web where he can to show his works extra class, investigations, essays and his profile. On the other hand this site is also important for the university and teacher of matter, because for through this, they can to know which the state of student and they can to help in the difficulties that present the student.
Finally the great objective that the blog have to be a tool for the student and that he also can to have a feedback of his teacher.


*That the student can to show information, investigation, interested dates, about of a topic that to him likes and passionate with respect to a basic science.
*Have a tool (site web), where the student can to put his work extra class in, his investigations and other activities etc.
*That student can to receive a feedback of his teachers for that he can to improve his English level.
*Have a tool (site web), where the student can to receive comments of his friend of class about of his works.

martes, 16 de septiembre de 2008

Compare and Contrast Essay


The majority people in the word aren’t inventors, for that a person has been inventor , this need to be creative and have knowledge for that this can to creates or conceives something that did not exist . I think that the two better exponents of this concept are LUIS PASTEUR and ANTONI VAN LEEUWENHOEK, the first discovered and I improve the fermentation process, besides created vaccines contra the antrax, colera and the rabia. The second invented the microscopy; this it has been an invention that I revolutionize the topic of the micro organism. Although these inventors have some similarities how differences for example both had different life style, besides they lived in different time its inhabitants. Nowadays the people believe that ANTONI VAN LEEUWENHOEK was the best inventor of all, because the microscopy had been a tool very important for the science, but really this argument make that the ANTONI VAN LEEUWENHOEK be better inventor that LUIS PASTEUR.

There are some similarities between ANTONI VAN LEEUWENHOEK and LUIS PASTEUR. One of the most obvious similarities is that both inventors contributed to great development to the biology and the world. To personality level, they also had a lot of similarities as that they were always investigated constant, in their time they didn’t have sophistic tool for they developed their inventions. ANTONI VAN LEEUWENHOEK like LUIS PASTEUR, were persons very intelligent, individualistic and very responsible.

There are also many differences between ANTONI VAN LEEUWENHOEK and LUIS PASTEUR. Both inventors lived in different time, were they have different knowledge, tools and each society had different necessities. Furthermore a great difference between these two personalities is that ANTONI VAN LEEUWENHOEK is a true one inventor, because he was a person that had a idea and he created or conceived something that did not exist, this was the microscopy. Meanwhile that LUIS PASTEUR was discovered the fermentation process for mean of the microscopy, moreover he discovered the vaccines that which are discovery and I don't invent.
In conclusion, it matter what inventor that people decides to choose, they should to know the characteristic of each one and all they contribute that they make to the science. However the thing more important that the people should to know is that they as inventors were very different but their personalities were similar.

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